For some weeks here at Acadian Family Farm, we have been making special emergency plans to continue operating so we can provide good, healthy vegetables to our customers. We have seed planted and more available for quite some time ahead. There are lots of plants growing in the greenhouse and a good bit planted out in the field. We are fighting to keep the farmers’ markets open in the OKC area, because our customers need access to good, fresh, local vegetables to keep their immune systems boosted (some cities in Texas have closed theirs). I am presenting a plan to the farmers markets (that we work with) that if the government wants to limit crowd size, we could also allow that many people through the market at one time. Also, that we would have every right to be open and operate the same as a grocery store.
We have our online ordering system available for the members of our farm community so you can just come in to market, pick up your bag and leave quickly. In the event that we can’t win the battle to keep the farmers’ markets open, we will try to keep the same drop-off sites available that are on this website. As long as the roads to the city are open, we plan to deliver. We have plenty of sweet potatoes in storage to hold us while we are waiting on our cool weather crops that should be ready in early April.
Farmer Rod